

Frequently Asked Questions 

  • Fund of funds, fund manager incubation programs, incubation programs for potential portfolio companies that cater to multiple fund managers for potential series or beyond type of investments, female owned and managed funds requiring working capital assistance, and being able to underwrite some of the operating costs.

    Read more about our partner’s activities here.

  • Yes, for-profit organizations are eligible to apply for grant-funding under the USAID Mobilizing Investment project. Please note that profit may not be included in part of the funding that would potentially be provided by USAID.

  • The deadline for questions under the current funding window: Annual Program Statement FY2024 closed on November 24, 2023 and those questions and answers can be found on the google drive. If there are general questions about grant opportunities please email

  • We’re committed to working with USAID to find and partner with organizations who have never worked with USAID before. If you’re new to working with USAID, we recommend exploring the “How to Work with USAID: a USAID Resource Hub.” This training series answers some of the most frequently asked questions about working with USAID, using advice straight from USAID staff. Although completing these training modules will not guarantee an award of USAID funds, you will come away with new skills and a greater understanding of the Agency.

    Explore more resources at

  • The google drive provides the submission template, Annex A is the concept note and Annex B shows the process of application for those that submit a concept under this notice of funding.

  • A concept can be submitted by a consortium or via a team, guidance on this can be found within annex B.

  • The activities that we will define together in the co-design stage must be completed within a three-year period as stated in the APS, though most of the grants will be on or around two years.

    We need to ensure that those milestones are delivered within the period of performance so that we can pay out based on those deliverables that are set forth.

    This does not in any way mean that you have to complete all your investment activities or that your fund needs to be closed or get to 1st close or final close, as we like to facilitate a collaborative partnership that will be for the full duration of USAID Mobilizing Investment, a project that ends in January 2028.

    Therefore, prior to the end of a grant award, USAID Mobilizing Investment and the potential partner will enter into a Memorandum of Understanding so that we can keep the partnership thriving even after the period of performance of the grant.

  • We don't necessarily have average deal sizes or explicit minimums and maximums. Though looking at the ceiling of $6 million and the potential for 12-16 grants one can calculate the average amount at $300,000 though all grants will be on a spectrum based on USAID Mobilizing Investment’s portfolio and the impact of the concept on the investment ecosystem.

  • Yes, you may submit more than one concept if the different concepts are distinct or discrete activities. The Project’s approach is non-prescriptive and tries to listen to what the market is saying. This is an opportunity for us to see whether there are gaps in the market and that the solutions proposed within concept submissions showcase activities that USAID Mobilizing Investment could support.


Branding Guide for Our Partners

USAID has strict branding and marking policies, laid out in ADS Chapter 320: Branding and Marking. The key takeaways for USAID’s Branding Policy are:

  • USAID requires exclusive branding on any deliverables USAID procures by a subcontract through the USAID Southern Africa Mobilizing Investment Project. This means that, while partners may exclude the USAID logo from their deliverables, those deliverables must contain copy stating that it was produced with the support of the USAID Southern Africa Mobilizing Investment project.

  • When the USAID marking is used by the partner, USAID requires co-marking. This means the USAID logo must appear alongside the grantee’s logo with equivalent size and prominence.

You can explore USAID’s full branding guide, access USAID’s logo, and download ready-to-go templates at