Our Grants Process

 Our Grants Process

Our grants process is intentionally iterative, and we work collaboratively with you to ensure that at each step your grant application gets stronger. DAI will never ask you to submit payment to complete an application or proposal.  Moreover, we are committed to making sure your stories and impact are documented and shared with a larger audience. Because each grant contributes significantly to the USAID Mobilizing Investment program’s overall impact and long-term success, and because we realize our partners continue to build and compound their results year after year, we commit to working with partners to ensure data is gathered beyond the grant and through the end of the program in 2026. 

    • USAID Southern Africa Mobilizing Investment (USAID Mobilizing Investment) announces a funding opportunity through public channels. All details of the current notice of funding opportunity can be found within the public google drive.

    • The applicant submits a short, high-level concept note in response to the funding opportunity. Please see this concept note template for suggestions on content.

    • USAID Mobilizing Investment conducts an initial review to determine whether the concept note is complete, and if it should move forward for technical review. The project also performs due diligence on the organization(s) in order to eliminate those that may not be eligible to receive USAID funding.

    • USAID Mobilizing Investment convenes a Technical Selection Committee (TSC) after each of the deadlines stated within the Notice of Funding Opportunity, and shortlisting is determined by the availability of when the USAID office involved is ready for the evaluation of the latest concept notes.

    • During the evaluation and vetting of concept notes, an applicant may receive requests from USAID Mobilizing Investment for clarifications or revisions to their concepts. USAID Mobilizing Investment may also request to have an exploratory meeting to clarify some key points of a concept note submission. Not all concept application submissions may advance to Stage 2.

    • If the TSC recommends the applicant moves forward, USAID Mobilizing Investment will issue an individualized Request for Application (RFA) email to the selected applications inviting the applicant to co-design a detailed grant application submission. Importantly, the invitation to co-design (stage 2) a grant application, does not translate to grant approval nor is any grant award ensured by USAID Mobilizing Investment. Any costs associated with designing the final grant application are the responsibility of the applicant.

    • The concept/evaluation stage has historically taken two months from the evaluation deadline(s) listed in the notice of funding for an entity to receive a decision on the concept submitted. Please note that USAID Mobilizing Investment does not have the capacity to meet with all unsuccessful applicants given the number of concept applications received.

    • The selected applicant participates in a co-design process with USAID Mobilizing Investment to refine and strengthen their grant concept. The Project’s USAID representatives will be part of the initial co-design meetings and calls. The applicant will also have an opportunity to schedule meetings with the USAID Mobilizing Investment technical team to clarify any technical feedback and gain further direction on their grant application.

    • While the potential grant activities are in the process of co-design with the USAID Mobilizing Investment technical lead(s), the Project’s grants team will conduct a capacity assessment of the applicant. USAID Mobilizing Investment will use the capacity assessment to identify any areas where the applicant may strengthen organizational processes to better manage USAID funding.

    • Only when the co-designed program description is finalized between the applicant and USAID Mobilizing Investment, will the USAID Mobilizing Investment grants team request the applicant to submit a draft budget. This total price/budget will be negotiated and both parties will begin the final stages of the grant application process.

    • The applicant will submit a full grant application (one that is done in partnership with USAID Mobilizing Investment) in response to the RFA email.

    • The USAID Mobilizing Investment senior management team will review the full application with a focus on budget, monitoring and evaluation, knowledge sharing, timelines/resourcing, investment readiness, and sustainability.

    • The USAID Mobilizing Investment grants and partnership team will help prepare the final grant document package with all the required provisions (conditions) and review it with the grantee. USAID Mobilizing Investment will then submit the grant award request package to USAID for approval.

    • The USAID Contracting Officer Representative (COR) reviews and approves the final decision to award.

    • If the full application is approved by USAID, the Project moves forward with issuing a grant award.

    • The grantee signs the agreement digitally and organizes a time within two weeks of the grant start date for a kick-off meeting between the grantee and USAID Mobilizing Investment. Separately, the grantee can decide if a ceremonial grant signing ceremony is beneficial for the firm and its business objectives and can organize an event with the USAID Mobilizing Investment communications team.

    • Once the grant agreement is signed, implementation begins.

    • The application/co-design 2 stage has historically taken 2-3 months from when an entity is sent the RFA email to finalize the grant application package and submit it to the USAID COR for approval. There are a number of variables that dictate the timeline, and USAID Mobilizing Investment moves as fast as the applicant moves during the co-design phase.

    • USAID Mobilizing Investment’s commitment to its grant partners will extend beyond the end date of the grant to ensure the grantee’s impact is documented. During the last month of a grant agreement, the grant partner and USAID Mobilizing Investment will enter into a memorandum of understanding whereby the grantee provides relevant data on the grant’s impact through the end of the USAID Mobilizing Investment project (2027) in return for USAID Mobilizing Investment’s commitment to validating the partner’s work through project reporting, outreach, and storytelling.

    • If there is sensitive grantee data to be shared, USAID Mobilizing Investment will work with the partner and adhere to the partner’s request concerning the data provided.